Dying to meet the staff of the Twisted Shoujo Website?
Want to know which conventions to hunt us down at?
too bad... we're telling you anyway. ;op
January: OhayoCon (Colombus, Ohio)
staff: Sari, Daisy
comment: haha... you missed us!
go look at the con pictures here.
Feb.: Katsucon (Crystal City, VA)
staff: Sari
April: AnimeBoston (Boston, Mass.)
staff: Sari, Daisy, Regan
comment: Sara & Daisy might only be there Saturday
May: Animazement (Durham, NC.)
staff: Sari, Daisy
comment: Come meet Yuu Watase! a real manga-ka! whee!
Regan is still thinking about this one ^^;
July: ShoujoCon (Rye Brook, NY)
staff: Sari, Daisy
Aug.: Otakon (Baltimore, MD)
staff: Sari, Daisy
comment: wai~! it's the biggest con on the East Coast... of course we'll be there!
when we make plans for more... we'll let you know ^^